Who don't like to watch movies?  This is the first time i am writing about movies. By the way, I come back from my hibernation for long long time (Say Hi) . So, i wanna give my opinion about the best movies of 2015 so far..


The Martian, directed by Ridley Scott based on the book Andy Weir, is a fictional movie set on the planet of Mars. The movie begins with a group of astronauts making a mission on the planet when a storm hits. The crew is forced to evacuate, and one crew member is injured and abandoned. The allegedly dead astronaut, Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon), awakens alone. 
Actually, I am not a fan of either Sci-Fi movies or Matt Damon, but I have to say, this movie was good. The Martian so interesting to watch. But if you are new to science fiction movies, The Martian is worth a watch. The plot of the movie is focused upon how Watney survives, and how he is rescued. The majority of the film is spent focused on the former. This is the movie's strongest portion, mostly due to a great performance by Matt Damon, and a witty script. The other part of the film, how Watney is rescued, is gone about in a realistic way. While this does help the audience become immersed in the movie, it creates sections of the film where Watney, who should be the main focus, is drowned out by other characters and dilemmas. Even though they sometimes take away from the film, these additional characters are still strong editions; they are each well developed, and have good writing. But I think somewhere fails to engage. It's made little boring  and the ending is too predictable. Matt Damon was very good but somehow his character lacked intensity. The overall experience was okay, not too exciting. Visuals were no doubt awesome. Lastly, the story unfortunately makes few surprising deviations from what the audience can predict will occur, leaving it somewhat underwhelming. Overall, The Martian is an intriguing and entertaining movie, but is never astounding.


Everyone knew Johnny Depp had talent, but it had been so long since we had a great performance from him, that I think we all started to wonder if he was ever going to return to form. Well, I think Black Mass can put that to rest. Not only is Depp stellar, but the film is actually really well done. I was really impressed by the entire production of the film and it was such a relief to see that the film was well done after months of hoping.

Even though James 'Whitey' Bulger is a real life person, I wasn't too familiar with the story behind his days in South Boston. Depp gives Bulger a less comedic and far more chilling side to him. I think the more surprising part of the film was the performance of Joel Edgerton as the FBI accomplice, John Connolly, and partner in crime so to speak to Bulger for so many years.

That was the part of the story that really grabbed me more than anything else. The relationship of Connolly and Bulger and just how manipulative the one side was to the other. But also that Connolly looked up to Bulger and got caught up in the lifestyle of getting promotions and going to high profile parties that he lost site of what the mission was. But also, that Bulger wasn't portrayed as an all out monster. I like that we get to see that he was a loving father and even family man. He did some awful things but we can't forget the part that some of the FBI played in allowing things to happen the way they did.

The rest of the cast also deserves high praise. It was one of the best ensemble pieces this year. Heck, even Dakota Johnson was terrific in her small but pivotal role. But Scott Cooper, the director, may have been the hero here. The tension and pacing rivaled some of Scorsese's best mob films. I won't be surprised if the film is nominated at the Oscars and Depp is nominated as well. Black Mass is one of the best films to come out in 2015.


I am sorry, this movie maybe not your list. Just because this film made my childhood memories spectacular. So, i put this movie as one of the best movies of 2015.

I didn't go into this movie with high expectations. I've only seen the original, which I thoroughly enjoy. I did not expect this one to deliver anything special in terms of plot or character. With a dinosaur movie, there's only so much you can do and, as this was intended to give the franchise new life, it is unsurprising that they would ignore plot and character in favor of really cool dinosaurs. And after seeing the movie, I was totally okay that they did. Yes, we had seen the stock characters before, but they were likable enough and didn't detract from the movie at all. In fact, I really liked Chris Pratt's Owen and his deep care for the animals he worked with and his paternal nature. I also really enjoyed the genetic modification aspect of it because it did ring true to our society where we are so easily bored and demand more without thinking about consequences. Apart from that, I liked the dinosaurs. It was a fun run away from the monster movie that delivered on the action. While there was nowhere near as much suspense as in the first movie, that did not make it unenjoyable. All in all, if you're looking for an unique plot or great character development, this is not the movie to watch. However, it did succeed in being a fun summer blockbuster, which is exactly what it should have been.


Joss Whedon had a lot to live up to with this movie and he managed to pack an awful lot into a two and a half hour film and juggles the humor, action and drama very well. Not a single moment in the movie felt wasted and every scene adds to the overall film. The characters also seem much more developed and Joss does a fantastic job digging deeper into each hero's psyche and making each one relatable. Whedon also keeps the tone dark yet the movie does have some light moments and it gave me exactly what I wanted from a superhero movie.

The story is based on Tony and Bruce (Ironman & non-Hulk in case you didn't know) concocting a plan to create highly evolved Artificial Intelligence in order to keep the world protected like TSA 10.0, but plans fall apart when the A.I. that they birthed concocts plans of his own.

First off, the action in this film is great. All the fight scenes are energetic and I only found complications during a fight scene on a freight liner because of the dark shaky cam.

I loved the interaction of the team during the party scene at the Avengers headquarters. It shows how much they jelled as a team since the first film. I also enjoyed that they didn't put a heavy investment of time on only the bigger heroes such as Ironman and Captain America, but they did a neat little back story on Hawkeye, helping to pull him away from just being a filler character, but just as important as the other members.

Robert Downey Jr. always be my favorite hero. He never fails to astonish me as Iron Man/Tony Stark in these movies. From his intelligence and skill to his billionaire playboy personality and humor, Downey has perfected the role and made it his own. Chris Evans once again shires as Steve Rogers/Captain America, bringing a real sense of morality and bravery to the role and the banter between Rogers and Stark is hilarious to watch. Scarlett Johansson once again is awesome as Black Widow and keeps on proving that women are just as capable of kicking ass as guys are and it was great to see a little of her back-story in the movie. Chris Hemsworth is awesome as Thor, throwing out some really funny lines throughout the movie as well as being a total bad ass in the battle scenes. Mark Ruffalo rocks it again as Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk, juggling the nerdy scientist and the raging green monster extremely well and still manages to be quite humorous at times. One complaint that I had with the first Avengers film was Hawkeye not getting enough time on screen, but thankfully, there's more of him here. Jeremy Renner is terrific in the role, gets a chance to develop the character more and is a total boss in the action scenes. To overlook the new characters in AOU, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Vision, would be unjust because all three play their roles very well. Aaron Taylor-Johnson displays Quicksilver's overconfidence perfectly while showing genuine concern for his sister at the same time. Elisabeth Olsen plays the role of Scarlet Witch very well and really comes into her own in the final battle. Paul Bettany is great as Vision. Sam Jackson kills it again as Nick Fury. Anthony Mackie shows up as Falcon and kicks plenty of ass as does Don Cheadle as War Machine.

When I saw Ultron appear at the end of the teaser, it sent chills running down my spine and I thought that he would be an awesome villain, sadly, that wasn't the cause. Now, I thought James Spader did a great job voicing Ultron, but he is extremely underdeveloped and comes across as a whiny villain and not a major threat to the Avengers. Otherwise, the only other issue I had with the movie was the Black Widow-Hulk romance as it just seemed out of place and really served no purpose.

Right from the start, the film chucks the team right into some deafening action, pulling us into a whirlwind of dangerous and visually unstoppable action scenes that allow every smash, punch, flash of light and battle to essentially become near-incredible forms of eye-crushing sights and it's when our heroes go into combat that the movie overwhelms our famished eyes and maintains complete control over the viewer's interest, allowing the impressed viewers to follow the visual spectacle as it reaches beyond the audience's mind. I could go on and on about the battle between Iron Man in the Hulk Buster suit and a rampaging Hulk because it's just so damn awesome and the final showdown between The Avengers and Ultron's army actually manages to top the battle in the first film.

The visual effects are great and serve a huge purpose when the action is taking place and the score by Brian Taylor and Danny Eifman really fits the film perfectly.

Aside from the problems I've talked about, I really loved this movie. It's action-packed, has some strong emotional moments, the score is great, the actors all give top-notch performances, and the post-credits scene sets up the future of the MCU nicely.